DOS(Disk Operation System) allows you to control the operation of the PC.
Here you can see the DOS working by your own eyes just Do As same Below written ok!
FIRST Go to start menu and open/click Run option and type cmd there or
Go to start menu-->all programs-->accessories-->command prompt. ok!!
you will see that the new window will open of cmd.exe in black screen yes that is command prompt window.
you will see like c:\Documents and Settings\Admin Name> and blinking cursor yes that cursor is your battle Field Everything
you have to type on that blinking cursor
Now Commands>>>>
1.) To Change the Default Drive
C:> A: [Press enter] (result-change drive c: to A:)
A:> C: [Press enter] (result-change drive A: to C:)
2.) Change Directory Command (CD)
C:> Dir [Press Enter] (result- shows all files and folder of that Drive)
C:> dir /w [Enter] (result-Shows directory in wide format, as opposed to a vertical listing)
C:> dir \agis [Enter] (result-Shows files in a subdirectory on drive C (default))
C:> cd movie[Enter] (result-Moves you to the directory called 'movie')
C:> cd \movie\horror[Enter] (result-Moves you to the directory called 'horror' under the directory called 'movie').
C:> cd .. [Enter] (result-Moves you up one level)
C:> cd \ [Enter] (result-Takes you to the root directory (c: in this case)
3.) COPY Command
C:> copy c:wmp.exe a: [Enter] (result-Copies the file 'wmp.exe' from the C drive to the A drive and gives it the same name)
C:> copy a:jack.dat b:\south\king.dat [Enter] (result-Creates a copy of 'jack.dat' from drive A on drive B, putting it in
the 'SOUTH' subdirectory and renaming it 'king.dat')
4.) DIR Options
C:> dir a:*.mov [Enter] (result-Lists all files on the A drive with an extension of 'mov')
C:> dir b:movie.* [Enter] (result-Lists all files on the B drive with a filename of 'movie')
C:> dir a:movi?.com [Enter] (result-Lists all five-letter files with the first four letters 'movi' and an extension of
C:> dir b:jet.b?? [Enter] (result-Lists all files with a filename of 'jet' and an extension beginning with 'b')
5.) ERASE Command
C:> erase d:jack.pdf [Enter] (result-Erases the file jack.pdf from the diskette in the D drive. If no drive specification
is entered, the system looks to delete the specified file form drive C)
6.) FORMAT Command
C:> format c: [Enter] (result-Formats the diskette in the C drive)
C:> format d: [Enter] (result-Formats the diskette in the D drive)
c:> format c: /q [Enter] (result- format fastly)
(Follow the screen instruction of Yes/ No in Formatting drive.)
7.) Make Directory Command (MD)
C:> mkdir Music [Enter] (result-Creates a directory called 'Music')
8.) RENAME Command (REN)
C:> ren c:spoon.wmv plate.wmv [Enter] (result-Changes the name of 'spoon.wmv' on the A drive to 'plate.wmv')
9.) Remove Directory Command RMDIR (RD)
C:> rd Mega [Enter] (result-Removes directory called 'Mega')
10.) Change the Command Prompt color
c:> color 24 [Enter] (result- first digit changes background color and second digit changes text color)
0 = Black 8 = Gray
1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue
2 = Green A = Light Green
3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua
4 = Red C = Light Red
5 = Purple D = Light Purple
6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow
7 = White F = Bright White
{works in only windows 2000,windows xp}
11.) View or Change Computer Date
c:> date [Enter] (result- shows pc date and you can change it)
12.) Del command
del jack.txt -- Deletes the jack.txt in the directory that you currently are in, if the file exists.
del c:\windows\jack.txt -- Delete the c:\windows\jack.txt in the windows directory if it exists.
del c:\windows\temp\*.* -- (* is for wild character(s)) *.* indicates that you would like to delete all files in the
c:\windows\temp directory.
del c:\windows\temp\?jack.txt -- (? is a single wild character for one letter) This command would delete any file
ending with jack.txt such as mov.txt or tod.txt.
13.) memory info
c: mem [Enter] (results- show memory of hard drive)
14.) Doskey command
c:> doskey [Enter] (result- shows all used command in blinking cursor by up and down arrow key in keyboard)
{By this command you can retrieve previous long commands on cursor}
For more options just right click on top black bar of the command prompt and click properties or close cmd.
You can also type at c:>exit to close cmd.
Good Luck!!!